Our Crew are experienced sailors from all walks of life, men and women who all enjoy the sharing of naval heritage and presenting our ships to the public. At all events, our crew wears period uniforms consistent with sailors and officers of the mid 18th to early 19th century British Navy.
Beyond sailing and presenting our vessels, we also have a traveling display complete with "hands-on" nautical materials that can be set up at dockside or on land; this has also proven to be very popular with visitors at the various events we have attended (See What's New).
If you are interested in learning more about traditional sail, or would like to put your skills to work on one of our three vessels, sign-up with the Ship's Company by filling out the membership form below or drop us a line at shipscompany.ca@gmail.com.
Membership drives The Ship's Company. Please find in this section a downloadable version of our Membership Form; you will need Adobe Acrobat to download this as a PDF file. If you don't have Acrobat, please email us at shipscompany.ca@gmail.com with your postal mailing address and we would be happy to send you a Membership Package for your consideration.