The Ship's Company has built, and currently sails, four historic replica vessels. Known as "Penetanguishene's Small Tall Ship", our Flagship HMS Badger is a 36' replica of an 1812 British Gunboat, representative of similar vessels that were used on the Great Lakes and Georgian Bay during the early 19th century when Britain used the Royal Navy as a defense force in Upper Canada.
This beautiful vessel is rigged authentically as a Naval Cutter and flies up to 9 sails, with interior carpentry and all fittings replicated to the time period. The Badger also carries three small working cannon, which we employ in various re-enactments and for special event salutes (very popular with the public).
The first vessel built, a 14' British naval skiff HMS Revenge is rigged with one spritsail and is an attractive eye-turner wherever we take her. She is our only solid wood hull and can be pulled on a trailer by hand. She can be crewed by one and can take up to 3 crew, 4 if they're small. She rows well with only a single set of sweeps, is equiped with two to ready fly. She's a light little boat that does well in light winds.
Our newest vessel is HMS Lynx , a navy whaler with a schooner rig. She was built to correspond with the War of 1812 Bicentennial in 2012. A larger vessel than our two small craft HMS Kingfisher and HMS Revenge, Lynx’s more impressive size and lighter rig enables The Ship's Company to trailer her to Bicentennial and other events throughout Ontario. The new vessel will also encourage more member participation consistent with our mandate to preserve and present 19th century marine heritage.
HMS Kingfisher is no longer opperated by the Ships Conmpany of Penetang, but we are very proud of her construction. Keep an eye out for her in her new stomping grounds in Kingston Ontario.