Become a member and sail with The Ship's Company.....Traditional Seamanship.....Boat Building.....And Fun!

News Story
News Story

Monday July 28th, 2008 - Canada Day Celebrations

The Ship's Company was busy the weekend of June 28 participating in Canada Day Celebrations in Penetanguishene and at the Penetanguishene Centennial Museum.  Following the singing of Oh Canada, our Gun Crew fired a lively shot much to the thrill of the crowd.  Following this, we launched our just completed third vessel H.M.S. Kingfisher at the Penetanguishene Town Dock, and took her out for her very first sail.

HMS Kingfisher under sail
HMS Kingfisher under sail

Gun Captain
Gun Captain "Boomer" at work

Canada Day

Canada Day

HMS Kingfisher, getting her dipping lug rigged along with retractable boomkin and bow sprit
HMS Kingfisher, getting her dipping lug rigged along with retractable boomkin and bow sprit